Resources for you


All about Nitric oxide

Could you be depleted in Nitric Oxide? When our nitric oxide is low we can feel fatigued, foggy, dizzy, blurry, and just plain out of sorts.

Having adequate Nitric Oxide production helps our whole nervous system work better! Click below for a full overview:


Attention training guided meditation

There has been much research on the power of meditation to retrain the brain and the nervous system. There are many different types of meditation practices. Some tend to calm the system (and can help with sleep) others can help to alert the system or train the skill of attention.

This is a guided meditation exercise to specifically designed (and based on research done by Dr Suzuki) to help train the skill of redirecting attention. All day long we are redirecting our attention. How often do you notice getting distracted during the every day and struggling to redirect your attention successfully?

Research has shown that explicitly practicing the skill of redirecting the attention when the mind wanders, can strengthen the skill of attention (and thus memory and processing efficiency as well).


Self Directed Neuroplasticity is the concept that we can actively influence the way our brain works and functions. Dr Jeffrey Schwartz is a researcher and author who wrote a few books on the topic to include You are Not You Brain. Amanda Blake wrote another take on the topic to include Your Body is Your Brain. Collaborating between the body and the brain is quite powerful in making positive changes in your physiology, brain function, and your life! Here’s one tool you can start practicing today.